◦Driver needs valid License & Good Driving Record (NO DWI'S)
◦License on file with club
◦Must be capable of being insured
◦Must have experience hauling a large trailer
◦Must be prompt and responsible
◦Driver will not speed while hauling the trailer (Our birds are precious cargo)
◦Driver will not drink or use any drugs while hauling trailer
◦Driver must possess a GPS and a phone with text capabilities
◦Driver must be able to stay overnight at all release points if requested
◦Driver will be at the FM basketing point at 5:00pm every race
◦Driver will verify race station prior to leaving FM club
◦Once the FM birds are basketed driver will proceed to Marshall
◦Marshall is where other combine members bring their birds for the trailer
◦Driver will assist in loading bird onto the trailer (Bunching releases)
◦At times fliers catch other's bird. As a courtesy these birds are transported to Marshall to be given to ownership club by the driver and distributed.
◦At the Marshall meeting point driver may be giving or getting papers/moneys from other clubs
◦Get to release point 1 hour prior to releasing
◦Check release schedules with Race Secretary prior to leaving
◦If inadvertently one basket is not released with appropriate liberation contact FM Secretary for direction
◦Check trailer for water and feed supply
◦If baskets are not clearly marked they are not to be released and are to be returned (Consult Race Secretary)
◦Keep birds out of sun and rain /Doors open for ventilation when possible
◦Once at release point birds watered/Water till released
◦Feed if directed by FM Secretary Evening before day of release
◦No feed on day of release unless directed
◦FM Secretary to communicate with driver and authorize release
◦No communication from any other fliers
◦Birds not released in heavy fog or rain (Pic required at release)
◦All birds from each race released simultaneously/by lever
◦Birds to be released in open area free of wires and traffic
◦1st release no earlier than ½ hour after station/ release point sun rise
◦Second released must be at least ½ hour after previous release
◦Insure all birds left baskets prior to closing baskets
◦Sick or injured birds not released (Consult Race Secretary)
◦Secure/Lock all doors once birds released
◦ No other birds released within ½ hour of race birds- including trainers
◦All Clubs race birds released together (All A’s B's & C's)
◦Avoid releasing birds if other clubs present at race site (Consult Race Secretary)
◦Drop backs are to be released after ½ hour wait to settle down
◦Exact release times confirmed to Race Secretary once birds are released
◦Trainers may be requested at times. These are bird’s fliers wish let go shorter than the race. Flier may request this for $20.00 per flier/ payable to driver(bonus for driver).
◦At times inclement weather requires driver to wait till the next day to release the birds. In these cases, driver will use the provided credit card
◦On occasion races are canceled due to bad weather. In these rare occasions driver will meet participating clubs back at Marshall to unload. Frankenmuth birds will be transported back to FM club.
◦400’s &500’s mile races have Scheduled hold overs.
◦Van to be full of gas when brought back to FM club
◦Clean up of baskets or trailer not the responsibility of driver
◦Unforeseen driving circumstances reported as early as possible to FM Secretary
◦Driver will not use the club credit card for anything other than Club expenses
•Club provided
◦Driver will be given keys to the trailer & Van
◦Credit card will be provided driver to pay for gas & Hotel/meals
◦Driver will be given all Stations & GPS Coordinates to be hauled when hired
◦Training baskets need to be clearly marked by flier. An effort will be made to combine these releases if possible.
Driver will be paid at the rate of $1.25 per mile Club to Station (one way)
◦Driver will be paid as 1 week hold back(previous race) or other schedule approved by both parties.
◦Driver to be paid at basketing.
◦Estimated mileage one way. Old birds 2800 miles x $1.25 = $3500.00 this is spread across 10 races. Young birds is slightly less miles spread across 10 races. Approximate total $6500.00 for 20 races. Accurate mileage can't be calculated until the race schedules are approved(they change slightly year to year).