New FM Rules-2024

FM Follows all AU rules

Roberts rules of order will be followed in all FM meetings

Club officers include President, Vice President, (Secretary-Treasurer) and Secretary & Race Committee. All are elected officials accept Race Committee which is appointed by race secretary

Race Committee will be appointed by the Race secretary for the purpose of retrieving birds entered into wrong race on the trailer or for denying entry to sick or unfit pigeons into the race

Release person who communicates with driver and monitors weather is assigned by Race Secretary as part of race committee

There must be a quorum present to conduct any club business

FM has two Annual meetings where FM home rules are established and/or changes January & February

Rules can be changed only during these two meetings by a majority vote.

Special changes may be needed during the season and the President can call for a special circumstances vote

All FM rules will be reviewed yearly for adequacy and standard practices changes require a (Majority vote required)

A detailed Treasury report will be presented during the Annual meetings

Detailed minuets will be kept by Secretary for all meetings

Meeting minuets including Treasury report with significant changes highlighted on the FMPIGEON.COM site

Request for membership will involve a written application along with $10.00 fee. Memberships will be voted on thirty days after request is given.

This vote will be done by secret vote, with a simple majority for membership

Special action/vote can be taken/called by the President if membership is requested during the race season.

All newly accepted members are on probation for a one-year probationary period. A final vote is taken one year thereafter

Each loft or partnership has one vote per proposal, Schedule, rules or racing activities

Junior Fliers who have not reached their 18th birthday Fly at no charge in all FM races. They may fly up to 5 birds in these races. If they reach 18 during a series, they can continue without charge

All rules must be posted where all members can view

All rule changes must be communicated by Secretary to all membership ASAP

Race schedules are established in the January and February meetings each year

All lofts are to be measured by two club officials using GPS

FM utilizes Benzing clock system

All races flown will have diplomas (1-5) and a Plaque for the winner. This includes A, B, Yearling, Auction- Race and Drop-back

Additionally, Tabs will be given for Average Speed, Champion Loft, Champion Bird and Master Loft for the A and B Series. No Overall tabs given

All club dues due by first saturaday of Febuary(meeting) or pay $5 per month late fee. If you haven't paid by the first race you can be voted out. (added 3/3/2024 per 2/3/24 meeting minutes)

Race Rules

Race schedules will be posted on the FMPIGEOM.COM site following the Annual February Meeting

All birds to be chipped by the Race Secretary by April 1st for OB's and by July 1st for YB'S. There is a $25.00 late fee paid to Race secretary thereafter

No Chipping of birds on race night. Flier may utilize previously entered personalized chips for bad chips

There is a $25.00 Trophy and Computer fee per series for fliers thereof.

Basketing for races and Clock-out is between 5 & 7pm each race.

All race results will be calculated prior to this week’s entries. ( Special races and last of the season may differ)

FM uses Lansing time for Sunrise and Sunset when needed for figuring 2 day races

All AU Clock rules are followed by FM Club

All special pools, Calcutta or Specials Races will be run by the member proposing any such race.

Anyone found flying a bird belonging to another without permission will receive a warning and is required to return the bird to its owner. A second offense is a $100.00 fine payable to owner. If bird is not returned and fine paid the offender will be expelled from the FM club.

All race fees are due the first night of shipping for each series. No flier may enter races until all fees are paid

Fm will have two races per week A (No Limit) B ( 10)

All special races including Yearling Race Drop-Backs, Special Races and Auction races will not have limits

No race will be released prior to ½ hour after local Sunrise

No races from the same release point will be released earlier than ½ hour after first race

Race Secretary and Driver will be in charge of unique situations and make the best decisions for the birds as needed this includes but not limited to Releases, avoidance of other club releases, bring backs or shorted releases or just calling any race

When not enough birds are clocked from special races or pools then moneys unclaimed is to be prorated by birds clocked. In the event that no birds are clocked than moneys to be equally distributed per bird in the race

Race Committee will be responsible for denying entry of sick birds on the trailer


1. 1/2 wait before releasing drop back birds once at release point

2. no non current race birds on the trailer/van

3. All club financial transactions traceable(ie receipt, debit card, check)

4. Any club in the Open may provide feedback to the FM club. These issues need to be in writing for consideration at our annual meetings

5. Race secretary/treasurer to have club dues and all shipping paid by the club

Revised TJB per club votes 1/6/2024