CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the Frankenmuth Racing Pigeon Club, Inc. of Saginaw, Michigan, organized August 24, 1975 and incorporated July 19, 1994




Name)  The name shall be the Frankenmuth Racing Pigeon Club, Inc.


Objectives)  To engage in the sport of pigeon racing and showing, to schedule and oversee the conducting of these races and shows.  To maintain equipment and facilities necessary for the racing and showing of pigeons.  To promote the sport of pigeon racing and showing of racing pigeons and any other activities pursuant to the promotion of pigeon racing and showing.



            SECTION 1. Active Membership:  Any homing pigeon fancier of good character whose loft is located within the following boundaries shall be liable for active membership.

             The boundaries of the club shall encompass all active members.

              SECTION 2.  Social Membership:  Social  Membership may be granted to any person not eligible for Active Membership upon two-thirds majority vote of the club.

                SECTION  3.  Any member, active or social, is entitled to participate in races, serve on committees, and hold office.  The right to vote on club business is reserved however for active members and social members holding office.  Issues such as race schedule and race rules can be voted on by any member.

                 SECTION  4.  Proposals for new members may be made by any Voting Member. All Voting Members shall be given notice of names that have been submitted for membership prior to a vote.  A secret ballot will be taken on each new member.  A “YES” vote by two-thirds of the members attending the meeting is necessary for election. No one shall be denied membership on the basis of sex, race, color, or religion.

     ARTICLE 4  


            Any  member wishing to resign from the Club must tender his resignation in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer and must pay all indebtedness which may be due the Club by him, and forfeit all rights and claims to Club property.



             The affairs of the Club shall be administered by its Officers consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Race Secretary.  All Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Voting Members present at the annual meeting.



             Regular and temporary committees shall be appointed by the President who shall designate a chairman of each or voted on by two-thirds majority of the voting members present.


Election of Officers)

               The Officers shall be elected annually at the regular annual meeting and shall serve for a period of one year.  Nominations shall be made from the floor at the meeting.



               Meetings shall be held the first Saturday of each month at 11 pm provided there is no race that day in which case there shall be no regular club meeting that month.  Special meetings  shall be called by the President or Vice President in the absence of the President.  The annual meeting for the purposes of setting race schedules and electing officers shall be the first regular meeting of the year.  NOTE (1)



             One-third of the Active Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.



            SECTION 1.  Amendments to the constitution shall be proposed at any regular meeting but shall be voted on at the annual meeting only and no less than 30 days later.

             SECTION 2.  All proposed amendments shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Active Members in attendance for adoption.

Note (1)  President shall send out reminder post cards to the membership at least 7 days prior to regular meetings.



              The organization shall not be dissolved without the consent in writing of three-fourths of its Voting Members obtained at one meeting and confirmed at another meeting convened for the consideration of such dissolution, and on such dissolution the assets of the Club shall be disposed of to best advantage and the proceeds, together with any surplus the Club may have in the treasury, shall be divided equally among the Voting Members in good standing or shall be donated to some worthy charity, as the Voting Members  by vote decide.



revised 1/10/2024 per meeting minutes boundaries of the club were changed. Article 3 section 1