Jan 1/6/2024 Frankenmuth Pigeon Club Meeting


Roll call :  Dave B,Gary W, Tammy B, Tim B,Lee S,  Jim S, Tim J, Mike A,Steven Tacey Sr.,

Steven Tacey jr,Raul Ramos, Jose-guest, Joe Gilder, Mike Gilder,  Ed K, Kyle W


guest-- Jescar Rodriguez—and son


Call to order 11:05


Steve T  moved to approve December minutes Dave B second –passed

Treasury:  checks for band race cleared—current balance $xxxxxx  12/29/2024

report – motion to review with commitee passed....Gary made motion to table, Tim Bennett second


voting on new members ---Joe Gilder passsed , Tammy Bennett passed, Rahul Ramos passed

combine issues:—officer ellection, meetings, one change schedule mentioned..,voting

Gary W: input--irregular pickup times, pay 60 week for pickup, release not half hour apart.  Want help to load trailer at pickup points..


Club Rules approved  Jim S  motion Steve Tacey second—rules approved as editted.  By laws to be changed to match voting rights from rules.


No communications:


Jim S-- is club using facility—yes  do we need wifi at facility?  $$$$  

Gary w --- motion not to install wifi  second Tim B  passed


New Business:

Jim S –need old trailer for backup.  Needs to be updated/maintained  -- he will have it checked out and  do what needs to be done.  Provide bill


Tim Benett, Gary West elected as combine delegates


Andy Wise –facility for combine...


motion to approve young/old bird schedules  -- passed with editing—saved results to be published


New member application—present (name?)


next meeting 2/3/2024 restaruant


election results:

Kyle wasalaski –president

Steve Tacey Sr.  VP

Race secretary-treasurer –Tim Bennett

Secretary- Steve Tacey jr.


Tim Bennett to be added to current club account

Tim Bennett Tim Jackson to create 2 additional checking accounts for old/young bird shipping

Eugen Kares to be removed from all club accounts


Meeting ajourned –2:00pm             ________________________________________